Acid orb

Caster level: sorcerer / wizard 4
Innate level: 4
School: evocation
Descriptors: acid
Component(s): V, S
Range: short
Immunity type: acid
Saving throw: fortitude half
Spell resistance: yes
Area of effect/target: single
Duration: instantaneous

Description: One orb of acid shoots from the caster's hand at the target. The caster must succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit the target. The orb deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level. A creature struck by the orb becomes nauseated from the acid's noxious fumes for 1 round. A successful fortitude save reduces damage by half and negates the nausea.

Custom spell: This spell is part of the Grimoire and is not part of standard Neverwinter Nights.
