
The ActionCastSpellAtLocation() NWScript command causes the caller to cast the indicated spell at the indicated location. In order to cause a different object (creature or placeable) to cast the spell, this command must be assigned via AssignCommand().


void ActionCastSpellAtLocation (int nSpell, location lTargetLocation,
int nMetaMagic=METAMAGIC_ANY, int bCheat=FALSE,
int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int bInstantSpell=FALSE)

int nSpell
A SPELL_* constant (integer) indicating the spell to cast.
location lTargetLocation
The location at which the spell will be cast.
int nMetaMagic
A METAMAGIC_* constant indicating which metamagic feat should be applied to this casting. (Only one feat is allowed.)
int bCheat
If set to TRUE, the caster need not be able to cast this spell normally and a spell slot will not be consumed.
int nProjectilePathType
A PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_* constant influencing the spell's projectile visual effect.
int bInstantSpell
If set to TRUE, the spell will be cast instantly (with no animations). This is intended to allow the simulation of a high-level caster who had time to prepare for hostile player characters.

There have been reports of the nMetaMagic parameter being ignored by this command.

See also[]
