Aura of dragon fear

Range: personal
Save: will
Spell resistance: no
Descriptor: fear
Area of effect: 10 meters around creature
Duration: 100 hours

Description: Dragons have the inherent ability to generate an aura of fear which completely surrounds them. Any enemy entering this aura and failing its saving throw will become frightened for a number of rounds equal to the caster's hit dice, to a maximum of 20 rounds.


  • The duration of the frightened effect on player characters is reduced to a half when the difficulty setting is "normal", and to a quarter at easier settings.
  • The DC of the save is based upon the dragon's age (caster's hit dice).
Age Hit dice Save DC
wyrmling 6 or less 13
very young 7 to 9 15
young 10 to 12 17
juvenile 13 to 15 19
young adult 16 to 18 21
adult 19 to 21 24
mature adult 22 to 24 27
old 25 to 27 28
very old 28 to 30 30
ancient 31 to 33 32
wyrm 34 to 36 34
great wyrm 37 or higher 37

Custom content notes[]

  • impact script: NW_S1_AuraDrag
  • OnEnter script: NW_S1_DragFearA
  • If used by a creature whose tag is "q3_vixthra", the duration of the fear effect will be only 3+d6 rounds.
  • In the OnSpellCastAt event, this ability identifies itself as a regular aura of fear (possibly a bug).