Even for his kind, this dwarven smith is stocky and heavily muscled - the result of many years spent hammering away at his forge.
Race: dwarf
Alignment: lawful good
Armor class: 13
Hit points: 184
Attack bonus: +22/+17/+12
Damage: 1d4+6 bludgeoning damage + 1d6 fire damage (light hammer, critical: 20/x2)
Disarmed: 1d3+4 bludgeoning damage (unarmed strike)
Abilities | ||
strength | 18 | |
dexterity | 13 | |
constitution | 18 | |
intelligence | 10 | |
wisdom | 12 | |
charisma | 4 |
Trained skills:(‡) concentration, discipline, listen, lore, parry, search, spellcraft, taunt
Feats: armor proficiency (heavy), armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium), cleave, combat casting, dodge, toughness, point blank shot, power attack, summon familiar, weapon proficiency (exotic), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple), weapon proficiency (wizard)
Blueprint:(‡) m3q1a08silv
Special abilities[]
Barun is a level 3 wizard with the following spells available.
Level 0 | daze, light (2x), ray of frost |
Level 1 | mage armor, magic missile, sleep |
Level 2 | invisibility, web |
- Barun Silverblade is a smith in Husher Clay's shop. The shop is located in Beorunna's Well, chapter 3 of the original campaign.