Brew potion

Type of feat: item creation (general feat)
Prerequisite: spellcaster level 3+

Specifics: The character can create a potion of any spell of third level or lower that the character knows and that targets a single creature. Brewing a potion will cost a small amount of XP as well as some gold to cover the material cost. The cost for brewing a potion depends on the innate level of the spell as well as the caster level of the resulting potion.
Some examples:

  • A potion of bless (1) will cost 50 gold and 2 XP.
  • A potion of prayer (5) will cost 750 gold and 30 XP.

Use: selected (In order to brew a potion, the character has to cast the spell in question on an empty magical potion bottle.)


  • Requires Hordes of the Underdark.
  • In order to take this feat, a character must be taking level three or higher in a class with a spellbook or in shifter.
  • The magical potion bottle needed to use this feat is not available in all modules, even though the feat is. In particular, magical potion bottles will not be available in modules created before the Hordes of the Underdark expansion, e.g. the Shadows of Undrentide and original campaigns. (Magical potion bottles are available in the Hordes of the Underdark campaign.)
  • When casting a spell on an empty bottle, all metamagic aspects are ignored.
  • Subspells (e.g. protection from evil) will produce a potion of the master spell (e.g. protection from alignment) that can then be used to cast any subspell of that master spell. This is of particular note with shadow conjuration, as only some of its subspells are brewable.
  • It is the innate level of a spell, not the spell level for a particular class, that determines if the spell can be used with this feat. These often coincide, but not always.
    • For spell with subspells, it is the innate level of the master spell that determines if it can be brewed (and the costs of brewing), with the exception of shadow conjuration which uses the innate level of the subspell that was cast.
    • War cry is bugged in that it is considered a level 3 spell by this feat, allowing it to be brewed and lowering the associated costs.
  • In addition to targeting a single creature, a valid spell for this feat must not bring harm to its target. (This feat is intended to create potions that the brewer would generally not be averse to drinking.) There are furthermore some spells blocked from brewing for obscure reasons, probably oversights or bugs. See the table at the end of this article for a list of those spells that can be used with this feat.
  • The costs of brewing are calculated as follows, with the caveat that cantrips (level 0 spells) are treated as level 1 spells for this calculation. A full listing of costs is in the table at the end if this article.
    • GP: caster level (of the potion) × innate level × 50
    • XP: caster level (of the potion) × innate level × 2

Previous versions[]

  • Prior to version 1.69, brewed potions — unlike other potions — could not be used while polymorphed, nor could they be dragged onto an associate's portrait to cause the associate to drink the potion.

Custom content notes[]

  • A custom class must have this feat in their feat list, or that class will not be able to select it as a general feat.
  • Some functionality of this feat is controlled via des_crft_spells.2da.
  • This feat is implemented by the script x2_pc_craft, which is a wrapper for the functions defined in x2_inc_craft.

Brew potion costs[]

The following table lists the spells that can be used with this feat, along with the caster level of the resulting item and the associated costs. The final column indicates the classes that can use the spell with this feat, with a special designator ("Cd") indicating if clerics can use the spell with this feat but only have access to it through domains. The symbol denotes spells whose potions target the player's character even if fed to an associate. The symbol denotes spells whose potions summon a creature when fed to an associate; the summoned creature becomes the summoned associate of the player's character, not of the character fed the potion.

Brew potion costs
Spell Innate level Caster level Gold XP Classes
Aid 2 3 300 12 C P R
Amplify 1 5 250 10 B
Animate dead 3 15 2250 90 C S W
Aura of glory 2 7 700 28 P
Balagarn's iron horn 2 7 700 28 B S W
Barkskin 2 12 1200 48 Cd D
Blade thirst 3 12 1800 72 R
Bless 1 2 100 4 C P
Bless weapon 1 6 300 12 P
Blood frenzy 2 7 700 28 D
Bull's strength 2 15 1500 60 B C D P S W
Camouflage 1 5 250 10 D R
Cat's grace 2 15 1500 60 B Cd R S W
Clairaudience/clairvoyance 3 15 2250 90 B Cd S W
Clarity 2 3 300 12 B C S W
Continual flame 2 7 700 28 C S W
Cure light wounds 1 5 250 10 B C D P R
Cure minor wounds 0 1 50 2 B C D
Cure moderate wounds 2 10 1000 40 B C D P R
Cure serious wounds 3 15 2250 90 B C D P R
Darkfire 3 5 750 30 C
Darkness 2 3 300 12 B C S W
Deafening clang 1 6 300 12 P
Death armor 2 3 300 12 S W
Dispel magic 3 10 1500 60 B C D P S W
Displacement 3 9 1350 54 B S W
Divine favor 1 5 250 10 C P
Eagle's splendor 2 15 1500 60 B C P S W
Endurance 2 3 300 12 C S W
Endure elements 1 2 100 4 C D P S W
Entropic shield 1 5 250 10 C
Expeditious retreat 1 5 250 10 B S W
Find traps 3 3 450 18 B C S W
Flame weapon 2 3 300 12 S W
Fox's cunning 2 15 1500 60 B C S W
Ghostly visage 2 15 1500 60 B S W
Greater magic fang 3 9 1350 54 D R
Greater magic weapon 3 5 750 30 B C P S W
Haste 3 10 1500 60 B Cd S W
Identify 2 3 300 12 B Cd S W
Invisibility 2 3 300 12 B Cd S W
Invisibility sphere 3 5 750 30 B Cd S W
Ironguts 1 2 100 4 S W
Keen edge 3 5 750 30 B S W
Knock 2 3 300 12 Cd S W
Lesser dispel 2 5 500 20 B C D S W
Lesser restoration 2 3 300 12 C D
Light 0 5 250 10 B C D S W
Mage armor 1 2 100 4 B Cd S W
Magic circle against alignment 3 5 750 30 B C P S W
Magic fang 1 5 250 10 D R
Magic vestment 3 5 750 30 C
Magic weapon 1 2 100 4 B C P S W
Negative energy protection 3 15 2250 90 C
Neutralize poison 3 5 750 30 B C D P R
One with the land 2 7 700 28 D R
Owl's wisdom 2 15 1500 60 B C S W
Prayer 3 5 750 30 C P
Protection from alignment 1 2 100 4 B C P S W
Protection from elements 3 10 1500 60 C D R S W
Remove blindness/deafness 3 5 750 30 C P S W
Remove curse 3 5 750 30 B C S W
Remove disease 3 5 750 30 B C D R
Remove fear 1 2 100 4 C
Remove paralysis 2 3 300 12 C P
Resist elements 2 10 1000 40 C D P R S W
Resistance 1 5 250 10 B C D P S W
Sanctuary 1 2 100 4 C
See invisibility 2 3 300 12 B S W
Shadow conjuration
(darkness and invisibility)
2 7 700 28 S W
Shadow conjuration
(mage armor)
1 7 350 14 S W
Shelgarn's persistent blade 1 2 100 4 S W
Shield 1 5 250 10 S W
Shield of faith 1 5 250 10 C
Silence 2 3 300 12 B C
Stone bones 2 3 300 12 C S W
Summon creature I 1 5 250 10 B C D R S W
Summon creature II 2 3 300 12 B C D R S W
Summon creature III 3 5 750 30 B C D R S W
True strike 1 5 250 10 S W
Ultravision 2 6 600 24 B C D R S W
Virtue 0 1 50 2 C D P
War cry 3 7 1050 42 B
Wounding whispers 3 9 1350 54 B