Domination |
3: dominate animal 4: dominate person 7: control undead 9: dominate monster |
Spell level: bard 4; sorcerer/wizard 5
Innate level: 4
School: enchantment
Descriptor: mind-affecting
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: medium (20 meters)
Area of effect: single
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round / 3 caster levels
Save: will negates
Spell resistance: yes
Additional counterspells: clarity
Description: The target person temporarily becomes a faithful and loyal servant of the caster.
- The term person here refers to any creature/character of a playable race.
- When cast against a player character or a PC's associate, this spell causes a dazed effect instead.
- The duration of the daze effect, if at least 4 rounds and the target is a PC, is halved under the normal game difficulty setting, and quartered under easier settings.
- Merchants under the influence of this spell will suffer a -20 penalty to their opposed appraise check (if they make one) when opening their store. This usually means that prices are adjusted 20% (of the item's value) in the PC's favor.
- Dominated creatures are associates and increase the party size penalty for experience points.
- Due to a .2da bug, clarity is not an additional counterspell of this spell.
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