Doom knight: The cursed, undead corruptions of once-upright paladins who fell from grace, doom knights are the scourge of all lands over which they hold dominion.
Race: undead
Size: medium
Alignment: chaotic evil
Armor class: 24
Hit points: 76
Attack bonus: +18/+13
Damage: 2d6+10 slashing damage; 19-20(x2) critical hits (greatsword +3)
Abilities | ||
strength | 21 | |
dexterity | 15 | |
constitution | 19 | |
intelligence | 12 | |
wisdom | 15 | |
charisma | 12 |
Trained skills:(‡) discipline (9), listen (9), search (6), spot (12)
Feats: alertness, armor proficiency (heavy), cleave, darkvision, weapon focus (greatsword), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (martial)
Blueprint:(‡) nw_doomkght
Special abilities[]
The doom knight has the usual undead immunities to ability drain, critical hits, death magic, disease, level drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, and sneak attacks.
A doom knight has several spell-like abilities that mimic spells but are not subject to interruption or counterspelling. These abilities (and their uses per day) are dispel magic (x2), fireball (x1), power word, stun (x1), and see invisibility (x3). These abilities have a caster level of 9. Furthermore, a doom knight can use an aura of fear twice per day.
- The create greater undead spell and create undead feat summon a creature with identical stats, aside from the ResRef being
See also: doom knight commander