Entangle (spell)

Spell level: druid 1; ranger 1; cleric with travel domain 1

Innate level: 1
School: transmutation
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: long (40 meters)
Area of effect: large (5 meter radius)
Duration: 3 + 1 round / 2 levels
Save: reflex, special
Spell resistance: yes

Description: Ingame description: A mass of clinging vegetation wraps around all creatures in the area of effect. Those affected are immobilized, though still able to fight and cast spells. Victims who make a reflex save still have their movement reduced by half.
Full description: Entangled creatures are unable to move and are considered flatfooted. Entangled creatures receive a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and sets their dexterity to 3. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell or make use of a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 15) or the attempt will fail. They also suffer a 50% penalty to movement speed. Multiple castings of entangle will stack.


  • Creatures with woodland stride are immune to this spell,
  • Due to a bug, incorporeal creatures are not. This is fixed in 1.69 and later versions.
  • Prior to version 1.88.8193.36, the dexterity of victims is sometimes permanently changed to 3. A fix for earlier game versions is available at the vault

Custom content notes[]

  • script: NW_S0_Entangle
  • OnExit script: NW_S0_EntangleB
  • OnHearbeat script: NW_S0_EntangleC

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