Epic dodge

Type of feat: general (available every three level-ups) (epic)
Prerequisite: 21st level, dexterity 25+, dodge, tumble 30 ranks, improved evasion, defensive roll

Specifics: The character avoids the first attack each round.

Use: automatic


  • Requires Hordes of the Underdark.
  • The in-game description incorrectly lists dodge as a prerequisite.
  • The combat round is from the dodger's perspective; "first" is relative to when the dodger begins a round of combat.
  • This feat causes a character to automatically avoid the first successful attack or the first (possibly unsuccessful) attack of opportunity or riposte in a round, not simply the first attack in a round.
    • Occasionally (when combined with parry), epic dodge may be shifted to a different successful attack in the same flurry as the first successful attack. The end result is typically the same, though.
  • This feat will only activate against attacks that would deal physical damage after accounting for damage immunity, resistance and reduction.
  • Due to a bug, this feat can activate against missed ki damage attacks, missed called shots and missed knockdown attempts.
  • The defensive roll and improved evasion requirements imply a PC must have one of the following class level combinations in order to qualify for epic dodge:
    • 13 rogue levels,
    • 10 shadowdancer levels,
    • 10 rogue and 5 shadowdancer levels,
    • 9 monk and 10 rogue levels, or
    • 9 monk and 5 shadowdancer levels.

Older versions[]

  • Prior to version 1.69, only a single rank in tumble was required.