Among the swiftest and most agile creatures in existence, greater air elementals are often summoned for use in great battles over vast stretches of open terrain.
Race: elemental
Size: medium
Alignment: true neutral
Armor class: 28
Hit points: 178
Attack bonus: +26/+21/+16
Damage: 2d8+5 bludgeoning damage (creature weapon)
Abilities | ||
strength | 20 | |
dexterity | 31 | |
constitution | 18 | |
intelligence | 6 | |
wisdom | 11 | |
charisma | 11 |
Damage reduction: 10/+2
Trained skills:(‡) listen (23), spot (23)
Feats: darkvision, dodge, mobility, weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
Blueprint:(‡) nw_airgreat
Special abilities[]
A greater air elemental has the standard elemental immunities to critical hits, disease, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, and sneak attacks.
This creature can use its whirlwind ability once per day.
- The elemental swarm spell summons an identical creature, other than having a ResRef of
. - The summon creature VIII spell summons a similar creature, but one with only 18 hit dice and a constitution of only 17. This drops its hit points to 157, attack bonus to +23/+18/+13, fortitude save to 9, will save to 11, and challenge rating to 17. The ResRef of this summons is
See also: air elemental, huge air elemental, elder air elemental