Greater shadow conjuration
Greater shadow conjuration, acid arrow
Greater shadow conjuration, ghostly visage
Greater shadow conjuration, minor globe of invulnerability
Greater shadow conjuration, summon shadow
Greater shadow conjuration, web

Spell level: sorcerer/wizard 5
Innate level: 5
School: illusion
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: special
Area of effect: special
Duration: special
Save: special
Spell resistance: special

Description: Allows the caster to conjure a shadow variant of one of the following spells: summon shadow, Melf's acid arrow, ghostly visage, web, or minor globe of invulnerability.


  • "Shadow variant" has no real meaning in Neverwinter Nights; the spells cast via greater shadow conjuration are identical to their "normal" versions, except they have a different spell level. This includes the spell school with regards to considerations such as spell focus and arcane defense (only relevant for the web subspell).
  • One advantage of this spell is having five spells combined into one. For sorcerers, this effectively increases the number of spells known. For wizards, this provides the ability to select which spell to cast at the time of casting.
  • An advantage for wizards who specialized in abjuration or transmutation is access to select spells from their prohibited school (conjuration).
  • Unlike the regular minor globe of invulnerability, the shadow version cannot be breached.

Builder notes

  • The NWScript constant for the ghostly visage subspell is unintuitive: SPELL_GREATER_SHADOW_CONJURATION_MIRROR_IMAGE.