Speed |
1: expeditious retreat 3: haste (spell) 6: mass haste |
Spell level: bard 3; sorcerer/wizard 3; cleric with travel domain 5
Innate level: 3
School: transmutation
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: short (8 meters)
Area of effect: single
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: harmless
Spell resistance: no
Additional counterspells: slow
Description: The target of this spell is hasted, gaining +4 bonus to dodge armor class, 1 extra action per round (allowing an additional attack or spell to be cast), and has their movement increased by 50%.
- This spell will displace a single instance of each of expeditious retreat, mass haste, and blinding speed, provided those spells had been cast by the caster of haste.
- Mass haste is in the school of enchantment rather than transmutation, with accordingly different availability for specialist wizards.
Custom content notes[]
- script:
External Links[]
- Haste on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.