Light |
0: light 2: continual flame |
Spell level: bard 0; cleric 0; druid 0; sorcerer/wizard 0
Innate level: 0
School: evocation
Components: verbal
Range: touch
Area of effect: single
Duration: 1 hour / level
Save: harmless
Spell resistance: no
Additional counterspells: darkness
Description: Creates a small light source above the target creature's head. The light travels with the target and is capable of illuminating a small area. It can be cast on any item the character can equip to make it glow for the spell's duration like a natural source of light.
- Due to a .2da bug, darkness is not an additional counterspell of light.
Custom content notes[]
- script:
External Links[]
- Light on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.