Colors |
1: color spray 7: prismatic spray |
Spell level: sorcerer/wizard 7
Innate level: 7
School: evocation
Descriptor: special
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: short (8 meters)
Area of effect: 11 meter cone
Duration: instant
Save: special
Spell resistance: yes
Description: All creatures within the area of effect randomly experience 1 or 2 of the following effects:
- 20 fire damage (reflex)
- 40 acid damage (reflex)
- 80 electrical damage (reflex)
- Struck with bebilith venom poison (fortitude)
- Paralyzed for 10 rounds (fortitude)
- Confused for 10 rounds (will vs. mind-affecting)
- Struck dead (will vs. death magic)
- The saving throw type is noted above with each effect.
- Successful saves result in 1/2 damage for reflex saves and effect negation for fortitude and will saves.
- Bebilith venom is a fixed DC 20 save vs. poison.
- The chance of a target receiving two effects is 1 in 8.
- Additionally, any creature with 8 hit dice or less is blinded for one round per caster level (no save).
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