This article covers the layout of the file; for the default contents, see racialtypes.2da (contents).

The racialtypes.2da file is the .2da file that defines which racial types are available in the game.

Columns of racialtypes.2da
Name Description
ID (no actual name) Row numbers for the benefit of human readers. The game engine ignores the value in this field, instead generating sequential row numbers as the file is read. It is good practice to keep the entries in this field sequentially numbered to avoid confusion.
Label The name of the race for the benefit of human readers.
Abrev The two-letter abbreviation for this race.
Name A StringRef for the name of this race (capitalized).
ConverName A StringRef for the adjective form of this race (capitalized).
ConverNameLower A StringRef for the adjective form of this race in lowercase.
NamePlural A StringRef for the name of members of this race (capitalized, plural).
Description A StringRef for the description of this race (shown during character creation, for example).
Appearance The ID of the row in appearance.2da that defines the default appearance for members of this race. (In particular, this is the appearance given to player characters of this race during character creation.)
StrAdjust The racial modifier to strength for members of this race.
DexAdjust The racial modifier to dexterity for members of this race.
IntAdjust The racial modifier to intelligence for members of this race.
ChaAdjust The racial modifier to charisma for members of this race.
WisAdjust The racial modifier to wisdom for members of this race.
ConAdjust The racial modifier to constitution for members of this race.
Endurance Ignored. This field contains remnants of a (pre-release) definition of the movement speeds of the playable races. However, by the time the game was released, race-based speed definitions were discarded in favor of creaturespeed.2da.
Favored The ID of the row in classes.2da that defines the favored class of this race.
FeatsTable The name of the .2da file (without the extension) defining the racial feats. The format of this .2da must match that of the race_feat_*.2da files. The standard values for this column are "RACE_FEAT_" followed by the name of a playable race, possibly abbreviated.
Biography A StringRef for the default biography of this race, which is the default description provided for player characters during character creation.
PlayerRace 1 = playable race
0 = non-playable race
Constant The NWScript symbolic constant for this racial type. This is ignored by the game and is only for the reference of the human reader.
AGE The default age for player characters of this race.
ToolsetDefaultClass The default class selected by the Toolset when creating a non-player character of this race.