Raise dead

Spell level: cleric 5

Innate level: 5
School: conjuration
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: touch
Area of effect: single
Duration: instant
Save: harmless
Spell resistance: no

Description: Returns one target corpse to life. The raised character returns to life with only 1 hit point.


  • Raise dead needs to be used quickly as dead characters will fade away and be lost after a few seconds.
  • This spell is almost useless in a battle as the target will come back with only 1 hit point and could be easily killed by another enemy in close proximity. this can be pevented if you are Hasted and can cast a second spell in the same round to restore more of the targets hit points.
  • This spell is improved on by Resurrection.

Custom content notes

  • script: NW_S0_RaisDead.nss