Scribe scroll

Type of feat: item creation (general feat)
Prerequisite: spellcaster level 1

Specifics: The character can create a scroll of any spell that he knows. Scribing a scroll costs a small amount of XP and gold, depending on the innate level of the spell to scribe. The cost for scribing a scroll depends on the innate level of the spell as well as the caster level of the resulting scroll. Some examples:

  • A scroll of bless (1) will cost 25 gold and 6 XP.
  • A scroll of fireball (5) will cost 375 gold and 15 XP.
  • A scroll of chain lightning (11) will cost 1650 gold and 66 XP.

Use: selected (In order to scribe a scroll, the character has to cast the spell in question on a specially prepared blank scroll.)


  • Requires patch 1.59 (the version corresponding to the Hordes of the Underdark release).
  • Wizards get this feat for free at first level.
  • In order to take this feat, a character must level up in a class with a spellbook or in shifter.
  • The blank scroll needed to use this feat is not available in all modules, even though the feat is. In particular, blank scrolls will not be available in modules created before the Hordes of the Underdark expansion, e.g. the Shadows of Undrentide and original campaigns. (Blank scrolls are available in the Hordes of the Underdark campaign.)
  • A vial of dragon blood is required (and consumed) in order to scribe harm, time stop, or true seeing.
  • When casting a spell on a blank scroll, all metamagic aspects are ignored.
  • The costs of scribing are calculated as follows, with two caveats. First, cantrips (level 0 spells) are treated as level 1 spells for this calculation. Second, the caster level is the caster level used for brew potion and craft wand, which is not necessarily the caster level of the resulting scroll. (Probably a bug.) A full listing of costs is in the table at the end if this article.
    • GP: caster level (of an item) × innate level × 25
    • XP: caster level (of an item) × innate level × 1
  • The finished scroll is a standard scroll for the spell that was scribed, no different than most scrolls for that spell found in the official campaigns.
    • If a class cannot use the standard scroll, it is (intended to be) blocked from scribing that spell. (As a result, a number of domain spells cannot be scribed.) See the cost table for the classes that can scribe each spell. Exceptions (probably bugs) are noted in the table with an asterisk after those classes that can scribe a scroll they cannot use.
    • War cry does not have a standard scroll, so it cannot be scribed.
  • Subspells:
    • Subspells (e.g. protection from evil) will produce a scroll of the master spell (e.g. protection from alignment) that can then be used to cast any subspell of that master spell. This is of particular note with shadow conjuration, as its subspells have different scribing costs.
    • The costs of scribing a subspell are based on the innate level of the master spell, with the exception of shadow conjuration and vine mine which use the innate level of the subspell that was cast.

Custom content notes[]

  • A custom class must have this feat in their feat list, or that class will not be able to select it as a general feat.
  • Some functionality of this feat is controlled via des_crft_spells.2da.
  • The ResRef of the scroll item created by this feat is specified in des_crft_scroll.2da.
  • This feat is implemented by the script x2_pc_craft, which is a wrapper for the functions defined in x2_inc_craft.

Scribe scroll costs[]

The following table lists the spells that can be used with this feat, along with the caster level of the resulting item and the associated costs. The final column indicates the classes that can use the spell with this feat, with a special designator ("Cd") indicating if clerics can use the spell with this feat but only have access to it through domains. The caster level is listed in green if the caster level is higher than what the costs are based on (hence is higher than would be obtained by crafting a wand or brewing a potion of that spell). The caster level is listed in red if the caster level is lower than what the costs are based on (hence is lower than would be obtained by crafting a wand or brewing a potion of that spell).

Scribe scroll costs
Spell Innate level Caster level Gold XP Classes
Acid fog 6 11 1650 66 S W
Acid splash 0 1 25 1 S W
Aid 2 3 150 6 C P R
Animate dead 3 5 1125 45 C S W
Aura of glory 2 7 350 14 P
Aura of vitality 7 13 2275 91 D
Awaken 5 9 1125 45 D
Balagarn's iron horn 2 7 350 14 B S W
Ball lightning 5 9 1125 45 S W
Bane 1 5 125 5 C
Banishment 6 15 2250 90 C S W
Barkskin 2 3 600 24 Cd D
Battletide 5 9 1125 45 C
Bestow curse 3 5 375 15 B C S W
Bigby's clenched fist 8 20 4000 160 S W
Bigby's crushing hand 9 20 4500 180 S W
Bigby's forceful hand 6 15 2250 90 S W
Bigby's grasping hand 7 17 2975 119 S W
Bigby's interposing hand 5 15 1875 75 S W
Black blade of disaster 9 17 3825 153 S W
Blackstaff 8 15 3000 120 S W
Blade barrier 6 11 2250 90 C
Bless 1 2 50 2 C P
Bless weapon 1 17 150 6 P
Blindness/deafness 2 3 150 6 B C S W
Blood frenzy 2 7 350 14 D
Bombardment 8 20 4000 160 D
Bull's strength 2 3 750 30 B C D P S W
Burning hands 1 2 125 5 S W
Call lightning 3 5 750 30 D
Camouflage 1 5 125 5 D R
Cat's grace 2 3 750 30 B R S W
Chain lightning 6 11 3000 120 S W
Charm monster 3 5 750 30 B S W
Charm person 1 2 250 10 B S W
Charm person or animal 2 3 500 20 D
Circle of death 6 11 3000 120 S W
Circle of doom 5 9 2500 100 C
Clairaudience/clairvoyance 3 5 1125 45 B S W
Clarity 2 3 150 6 B C S W
Cloud of bewilderment 2 3 150 6 B S W
Cloudkill 5 9 1125 45 S W
Color spray 1 2 50 2 S W
Combust 2 3 150 6 S W
Cone of cold 5 9 1875 75 S W
Confusion 3 5 750 30 B S W
Contagion 3 5 375 15 C D S W
Continual flame 2 7 350 14 C S W
Control undead 7 13 3500 140 C S W
Create greater undead 8 15 3600 144 C
Create undead 6 11 2400 96 C S W
Creeping doom 7 13 2275 91 D
Crumble 6 11 1650 66 D
Cure critical wounds 4 7 700 28 B C D
Cure light wounds 1 2 125 5 B C D P R
Cure minor wounds 0 1 25 1 B C D
Cure moderate wounds 2 3 500 20 B C D P R
Cure serious wounds 3 5 1125 45 B C D P R
Darkfire 3 5 375 15 C
Darkness 2 3 150 6 B C S W
Daze 0 1 25 1 B S W
Deafening clang 1 6 150 6 P
Death armor 2 3 150 6 S W
Death ward 4 7 700 28 C D P
Delayed blast fireball 7 13 3500 140 S W
Destruction 7 13 2275 91 C
Dismissal 4 7 1800 72 B C S W
Dispel magic 3 5 750 30 B C D P S W
Displacement 3 9 675 27 B S W
Divine favor 1 5 125 5 C P
Divine power 4 7 700 28 C
Dominate animal 3 5 375 15 D
Dominate monster 9 17 3825 153 S W
Dominate person 4 7 700 28 B S W
Doom 1 2 125 5 C
Drown 6 15 2250 90 D
Eagle's splendor 2 3 750 30 B P S W
Earthquake 8 20 4000 160 C D
Electric jolt 0 1 25 1 S W
Elemental shield 4 7 1200 48 S W
Elemental swarm 9 17 3825 153 D
Endurance 2 3 150 6 C S W
Endure elements 1 2 50 2 C D P S W
Energy buffer 5 11 2500 100 B D S W
Energy drain 9 17 3825 153 C S W
Enervation 4 7 700 28 S W
Entangle 1 2 125 5 D R
Entropic shield 1 5 125 5 C
Ethereal visage 5 9 1875 75 B S W
Evard's black tentacles 4 7 1500 60 S W
Expeditious retreat 1 5 125 5 B S W
Fear 3 5 375 15 B S W
Feeblemind 5 9 1125 45 S W
Find traps 3 3 225 9 B C S W
Finger of death 7 13 2275 91 D S W
Fireball 3 5 750 30 S W
Firebrand 5 15 1875 75 S W
Flame arrow 3 5 1350 54 S W
Flame lash 2 3 500 20 D
Flame strike 4 7 1800 72 C D
Flame weapon 2 17 150 6 S W
Flare 0 1 25 1 B D S W
Flesh to stone 6 5 750 30 S W
Fox's cunning 2 3 750 30 B S W
Freedom of movement 4 7 700 28 C D P R
Gate 9 17 3825 153 C S W
Gedlee's electric loop 2 3 150 6 S W
Ghostly visage 2 3 750 30 B S W
Ghoul touch 2 3 150 6 S W
Globe of invulnerability 6 11 1650 66 S W
Glyph of warding 3 5 375 15 C
Grease 1 2 50 2 B D R S W
Great thunderclap 7 13 2275 91 S W
Greater dispelling 5 7 1875 75 B C D S W
Greater magic fang 3 9 675 27 D R
Greater magic weapon 3 15 375 15 B C P S W
Greater planar binding 8 15 3000 120 S W
Greater restoration 7 13 2275 91 C
Greater sanctuary 7 18 3150 126 C S W
Greater shadow conjuration 5 9 1125 45 S W
Greater spell breach 6 11 1650 66 S W
Greater spell mantle 9 17 3825 153 S W
Greater stoneskin 6 11 1650 66 D S W
Gust of wind 3 10 750 30 B S W
Hammer of the gods 4 7 2000 80 C
Harm 6 11 1650 66 C D
Haste 3 5 750 30 B S W
Heal 6 11 1650 66 C D
Healing sting 3 5 375 15 D
Hold animal 2 3 150 6 D R
Hold monster 4 7 700 28 B D S W
Hold person 2 3 150 6 B C S W
Holy sword 4 17 1500 60 P
Horizikaul's boom 1 2 50 2 S W
Horrid wilting 8 15 4000 160 S W
Ice dagger 1 2 50 2 S W
Ice storm 4 9 900 36 B D S W
Identify 2 3 150 6 B S W
Implosion 9 17 3825 153 C
Improved invisibility 4 7 700 28 B S W
Incendiary cloud 8 15 3000 120 S W
Inferno 5 15 1875 75 D
Infestation of maggots 3 5 375 15 D
Inflict critical wounds 4 12 1200 48 C
Inflict light wounds 1 5 125 5 C
Inflict minor wounds 0 1 25 1 C
Inflict moderate wounds 2 7 350 14 C
Inflict serious wounds 3 9 675 27 C
Invisibility 2 3 150 6 B S W
Invisibility sphere 3 5 375 15 B S W
Ironguts 1 2 50 2 S W
Isaac's greater missile storm 6 15 2250 90 S W
Isaac's lesser missile storm 4 13 1300 52 S W
Keen edge 3 17 375 15 B S W
Knock 2 3 150 6 S W
Legend lore 5 5 625 25 B S W
Lesser dispel 2 3 250 10 B C D S W
Lesser mind blank 5 9 1125 45 S W
Lesser planar binding 5 9 1125 45 S W
Lesser restoration 2 3 150 6 C D
Lesser spell breach 4 7 700 28 S W
Lesser spell mantle 5 9 1125 45 S W
Light 0 1 125 5 B C D S W
Lightning bolt 3 5 750 30 S W
Mage armor 1 2 50 2 B S W
Magic circle against alignment 3 5 375 15 B C P S W
Magic fang 1 5 125 5 D R
Magic missile 1 3 225 9 S W
Magic vestment 3 5 375 15 C
Magic weapon 1 2 50 2 B C P S W
Mass blindness/deafness 8 15 3000 120 S W
Mass camouflage 4 13 1300 52 D R
Mass charm 8 15 3000 120 S W
Mass haste 6 11 1650 66 B S W
Mass heal 8 15 3000 120 C D
Melf's acid arrow 2 3 450 18 S W
Mestil's acid breath 3 5 375 15 S W
Mestil's acid sheath 5 9 1125 45 S W
Meteor swarm 9 17 3825 153 S W
Mind blank 8 15 3000 120 S W
Mind fog 5 9 1125 45 B S W
Minor globe of invulnerability 4 7 1500 60 S W
Monstrous regeneration 5 9 1125 45 C
Mordenkainen's disjunction 9 17 3825 153 S W
Mordenkainen's sword 7 13 3150 126 S W
Nature's balance 8 15 3000 120 D
Negative energy burst 3 5 750 30 S W
Negative energy protection 3 5 1125 45 C
Negative energy ray 1 1 225 9 S W
Neutralize poison 3 5 375 15 B C D P R
One with the land 2 7 350 14 D R
Owl's insight 5 15 1875 75 D
Owl's wisdom 2 3 750 30 B S W
Phantasmal killer 4 7 700 28 S W
Planar ally 6 15 2250 90 C
Planar binding 6 11 1650 66 S W
Poison 3 5 375 15 C D
Polymorph self 4 7 700 28 R S W
Power word, kill 9 17 3825 153 S W
Power word, stun 7 13 2275 91 S W
Prayer 3 5 375 15 C P
Premonition 8 15 3000 120 D S W
Prismatic spray 7 13 2275 91 S W
Protection from alignment 1 5 50 2 B C P S W
Protection from elements 3 3 750 30 C D R S W
Protection from spells 7 13 3500 140 S W
Quillfire 3 8 600 24 D
Raise dead 5 9 1125 45 C
Ray of enfeeblement 1 2 50 2 S W
Ray of frost 0 1 25 1 S W
Regenerate 7 13 2275 91 C D
Remove blindness/deafness 3 5 375 15 C P
Remove curse 3 5 375 15 B C* S W
Remove disease 3 5 375 15 C D R
Remove fear 1 2 50 2 C
Remove paralysis 2 3 150 6 C P
Resist elements 2 3 500 20 C D P R S W
Resistance 1 2 125 5 B C D P S W
Restoration 4 7 700 28 C
Resurrection 7 13 2275 91 C
Sanctuary 1 2 50 2 C
Scare 1 2 50 2 B S W
Scintillating sphere 3 5 375 15 S W
Searing light 3 5 375 15 C
See invisibility 2 3 150 6 B S W
Shadow conjuration
(darkness and invisibility)
2 7 350 14 S W
Shadow conjuration
(mage armor and magic missile)
1 7 175 7 S W
Shadow conjuration
(summon shadow)
4 7 700 28 S W
Shadow shield 7 13 2275 91 S W
Shapechange 9 17 2475 99 D S W
Shelgarn's persistent blade 1 2 50 2 S W
Shield 1 5 125 5 S W
Shield of faith 1 5 125 5 C
Silence 2 3 150 6 C
Slay living 5 9 1125 45 C D
Sleep 1 2 125 5 B D R S W
Slow 3 5 375 15 B S W
Sound burst 2 3 150 6 B* C
Spell mantle 7 13 2275 91 S W
Spell resistance 5 9 1875 75 C D
Spike growth 3 9 675 27 D
Stinking cloud 3 5 375 15 S W
Stone bones 2 3 150 6 C S W
Stone to flesh 6 5 750 30 S W
Stonehold 6 11 1650 66 D
Stoneskin 4 7 700 28 D* S W
Summon creature I 1 2 125 5 B C D R S W
Summon creature II 2 3 150 6 B C D R S W
Summon creature III 3 5 375 15 B C D R S W
Summon creature IV 4 7 700 28 B C D R S W
Summon creature IX 9 17 3825 153 C D S W
Summon creature V 5 9 1125 45 B C D S W
Summon creature VI 6 11 1650 66 B C D S W
Summon creature VII 7 13 2275 91 C D S W
Summon creature VIII 8 15 3000 120 C D S W
Sunbeam 7 13 2275 91 C D
Sunburst 8 20 4000 160 D S W
Tasha's hideous laughter 2 7 350 14 B S W
Tenser's transformation 6 11 1650 66 S W
Time stop 9 17 3825 153 S W
True seeing 5 9 1125 45 C D S W
True strike 1 5 125 5 S W
Ultravision 2 3 300 12 B C D R S W
Undeath to death 6 11 1650 66 C
Undeath's eternal foe 9 20 4500 180 C
Vampiric touch 3 5 375 15 S W
Vine mine 1 9 275 11 D
Virtue 0 1 25 1 C D P
Wail of the banshee 9 17 3825 153 S W
Wall of fire 4 9 900 36 D S W
Web 2 3 150 6 S W
Weird 9 17 3825 153 S W
Word of faith 7 13 2275 91 C
Wounding whispers 3 9 675 27 B

* Classes marked with an asterisk can scribe the spell in question, but the resulting scroll does not let that class use it.
