
The sin() NWScript command returns the sine of a float. That is, this command returns the y-coordinate (in the Cartesian plane) of the endpoint of the line segment, originating at (0,0), of length 1 that forms an angle with the positive x-axis of size equal to the provided value, measured in degrees. (Thus, the returned value will never be greater than 1 nor less than -1.) For positive angles less than 90 degrees, this is equivalent to taking the ratio of the lengths of two sides of a right triangle with an angle of the indicated measure — specifically, the length of the leg opposite to the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.


float sin (float fValue)

float fValue
The angle (measured in degrees) to take the sine of.

See also[]

  • asin() — arcsine command
  • cos() — cosine command
  • tan() — tangent command