The size modifier is based on the size of the creature in question (based upon appearance), with the exception that modifiers for disarm attempts are based on the size of the weapon in question.
For attack bonus and armor class, the following table is used. This modifier stacks with all other modifiers and does not count towards any caps. (This modifier is not shown on the character sheet.)
size | modifier |
huge | -2 |
large | -1 |
medium | +0 |
small | +1 |
tiny | +2 |
For grapple checks (e.g. Evard's black tentacles and Bigby's grasping hand) and knockdown/disarm attempts, the following table is used:
size | modifier |
huge | +8 |
large | +4 |
medium | +0 |
small | -4 |
tiny | -8 |
For stealth and detection rolls, the following modifier is added to hide, move silently, listen, and spot skill checks.
size | modifier |
huge | -8 |
large | -4 |
medium | +0 |
small | +4 |
tiny | +8 |
Builder notes[]
The size modifier is not considered in NWScript commands (i.e. GetAC()
, GetIsSkillSuccessful()
, and GetSkillRank()
do not include the size modifier).