This article covers the layout of the file; for the default contents, see spellschools.2da (contents).

The spellschools.2da file is the .2da that defines the spell schools in the game. While this can be used to change the details of existing spell schools, changing the number of schools can be problematic with regards to the (hardcoded) school selection screen given to first level wizards.

Columns of spellschools.2da
Name Description
ID (no actual name) Row numbers for the benefit of human readers. The game engine ignores the value in this field, instead generating sequential row numbers as the file is read. It is good practice to keep the entries in this field sequentially numbered to avoid confusion.
Label A name for the school for the reference of human readers. This is ignored by the game.
Letter A one-letter abbreviation for the school.
StringRef A StringRef for the name of the school.
Opposition An index into this .2da indicating which school is the opposition school (for wizards that have specialized in this school).
Description A StringRef for the description of the school.