Uncanny dodge

Type of feat: class (given based on class levels)
Prerequisite: barbarian 2 (5, 10, 13, 16, 19); rogue 3 (6, 11, 14, 17, 20); shadowdancer 2 (5, 10); assassin 2 (5, 10)

Specifics: There are six versions of this feat, with cumulative (but not stacking) benefits. (Assassins and shadowdancers only qualify for the first three versions.) The sixth version includes benefits extending into epic class levels.

I: The character retains his dexterity bonus to AC, even if caught flat-footed or attacked by a hidden or invisible creature.

II: This feat grants a +1 bonus on reflex saving throws made to avoid traps.

III: This feat grants a +2 bonus on reflex saving throws made to avoid traps.

IV: This feat grants a +3 bonus on reflex saving throws made to avoid traps.

V: This feat grants a +4 bonus on reflex saving throws made to avoid traps.

VI+: This feat grants a +5 bonus on reflex saving throws made to avoid traps.
Epic progression: The uncanny dodge bonus improves by +1 every three levels.

Use: automatic


  • Contrary to its name, uncanny dodge does not allow a character to retain dodge bonuses to AC when flat-footed, only the dexterity bonus.
  • Uncanny dodge can be extremely helpful for dexterity-based builds in avoiding attacks from hidden creatures, as it allows retention of what could be a significant portion of their AC.
  • The bonus to reflex saves versus traps is subject to the +20 saving throw cap.
  • As of Enhanced Edition patch 1.74, uncanny dodge II grants immunity to sneak attacks from a flanking attacker unless the attacker has at least four more combined class levels of rogue, assassin, barbarian, and shadowdancer than the defender. (blackguard levels are not counted.) For example, a level 10 rogue would have this immunity when attacked by a level 13 rogue, but not when attacked by a level 14 rogue. This immunity does not apply when the defender is flat-footed. This change is undocumented in the feat description. The pre-Enhanced Edition behavior can be restored by setting FLANK_LEVEL_RANGE in Ruleset.2da to -99.

See also: Defensive awareness

Builder notes[]

Item feat: No, but it can be added with custom content.

Custom content notes[]

Removable: yes

Reusable: yes

Script: hardcoded

  • These feats can be added to iprp_feats.2da to make them available as item feats.
  • Uncanny dodge I is required to preserve dexterity AC when flat-footed.
  • Each version of uncanny dodge will grant its reflex bonus without the need for lower feat(s).